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Dr. Anil R. Shah is renowned for his pioneering use of ultrasonic instrumentation in rhinoplasty, a technique that has revolutionized the field of nasal surgery. With his practice based in New York City, Dr. Shah attracts patients from around the globe, drawn by his reputation for excellence and his innovative approach to cosmetic procedures.


Dr. Anil R. Shah's use of ultrasonic instrumentation in rhinoplasty represents a significant advancement in the field of cosmetic surgery. His all-ultrasonic approach offers precision, safety, and exceptional results, making him a sought-after surgeon for patients seeking nasal refinement. With his practice based in New York City, Dr. Shah serves a diverse clientele from around the world, providing personalized care and innovative solutions to meet each patient's unique needs.

Actual Patient of Dr. Anil Shah - Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty - Aesthetic Skin NYC


Dr. Anil R. Shah is renowned for his pioneering use of ultrasonic instrumentation in rhinoplasty, a technique that has revolutionized the field of nasal surgery. With his practice based in New York City, Dr. Shah attracts patients from around the globe, drawn by his reputation for excellence and his innovative approach to cosmetic procedures.


Utilizing state-of-the-art ultrasonic technology, Dr. Shah employs an all-ultrasonic approach to reshape the nose, achieving remarkable results in multiple dimensions. Unlike traditional methods that rely on manual instruments or mechanical tools, ultrasonic rhinoplasty offers unparalleled precision and safety, making it an ideal choice for patients seeking optimal outcomes.

The key advantage of ultrasonic instrumentation lies in its ability to precisely sculpt bone and cartilage while minimizing trauma to surrounding tissues. Traditional techniques often involve breaking the nasal bones, leading to prolonged recovery times and increased risk of complications. In contrast, ultrasonic rhinoplasty allows for more controlled and precise bone reshaping, resulting in smoother contours and a faster, more comfortable recovery for patients.

Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty Device  - Aesthetic Skin NYC


One of the primary benefits of Dr. Shah's all-ultrasonic approach is its ability to make the nose smaller in multiple dimensions. By carefully sculpting the underlying structures of the nose, he can reduce its size, enhance symmetry, and refine its overall appearance. This comprehensive approach addresses various aspects of nasal aesthetics, including projection, bridge height, tip width, septum alignment, and tip length, ensuring harmonious and natural-looking results.

In addition to its precision and efficacy, ultrasonic rhinoplasty offers another significant advantage: safety. The ultrasonic instruments used by Dr. Shah are designed to keep the nasal membrane intact, minimizing the risk of injury and preserving the delicate structures of the nose. This results in a safer and more predictable surgical experience, with reduced risk of complications such as bleeding, swelling, and infection.

Diagram - Rasping with Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty - Aesthetic Skin NYC

Dr. Shah's expertise in ultrasonic rhinoplasty has earned him widespread acclaim in the field of cosmetic surgery. His innovative techniques and dedication to patient care have been recognized by his peers and patients alike, cementing his reputation as a leader in the field. Patients from all over the world seek out Dr. Shah's expertise, drawn by his commitment to excellence and his track record of delivering exceptional results.



Dr. Shah's expertise in ultrasonic rhinoplasty has earned him widespread acclaim in the field of cosmetic surgery from New York City to  Los Angeles and all across the globe. His innovative techniques and dedication to patient care have been recognized by his peers and patients alike, cementing his reputation as a leader in the field.


Patients from all over the world seek out Dr. Shah's expertise, drawn by his commitment to excellence and his track record of delivering exceptional results.

Dr. Anil Shah Presenting - Aesthetic Skin NYC

In addition to his clinical practice in New York City, Dr. Shah is actively involved in research and education, sharing his expertise with fellow surgeons and advancing the field of cosmetic surgery. He regularly lectures at national and international conferences, publishes articles in peer-reviewed journals, and participates in training programs for aspiring surgeons. By staying at the forefront of innovation and technology, Dr. Shah continues to push the boundaries of rhinoplasty and shape the future of cosmetic surgery.


Located in the heart of New York City, Dr. Shah's practice serves a diverse clientele, including patients from Manhattan, Brooklyn, and beyond. His office provides a welcoming and state-of-the-art environment where patients can feel comfortable and confident throughout their surgical journey. From the initial consultation to post-operative care, Dr. Shah and his team are committed to providing personalized attention and support, ensuring that each patient receives the highest level of care and achieves their desired aesthetic goals.


60 East 56th St., #300 • New York, NY 10022

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