What Is Osteoma Removal?
An osteoma, commonly referred to as a forehead bump, is a benign tumor on the bone that can appear as a lump or hard knot on the forehead. These bumps can stem from various causes including osteomas, lipomas, or skull asymmetry due to facial fractures. While osteomas are rare, these benign skull tumors can be aesthetically unpleasing and lead to discomfort or vision problems. They generally grow slowly. Dr. Shah advocates for a minimally invasive method to remove these tumors. Unlike other surgeons who might use large incisions and require hospital stays, Dr. Shah has pioneered a technique that involves a small, concealed incision and minimal downtime. Most often, he can remove these tumors in his office within minutes.
Before & After
Endoscopic forehead osteoma removal is performed as an outpatient procedure. Thanks to Dr. Shah’s method of targeting specific nerves with local anesthesia, most patients require only minimal anesthesia, resulting in a relatively pain-free experience. Consequently, many patients are able to resume work either the next day or within a few days.
Actual Patient of Dr. Shah
Why Have Dr. Anil Shah As Your Osteoma Removal Surgeon?
The traditional method for removing forehead osteomas involves an incision along the face. Dr. Shah, however, prefers to reshape the forehead bone using an endoscope, placing the incision within the scalp where it leaves no visible facial scar, rendering the scarring practically invisible. The tools Dr. Shah employs to sculpt the forehead result in a visibly enhanced and smoother feel.
While it is technically more difficult to remove the osteoma from this approach, it does allow for a more pleasing aesthetic outcome. Dr. Shah has perfected this procedure and his removal process uses a minimally invasive path of dissection that allows for limited visible swelling and cuts down on the recovery time that a patient would have with a coronal or direct incision. Patients are ready to go back to their daily lives in no time at all.