Using CT Scans For Nasal Septal Deviation

a young woman with a bandage on her nose after rhinoplasty

In the realm of evaluating nasal septal deviation, various mathematical methods have been developed to enhance the accuracy and objectivity of measurements, particularly with the advent of computed tomography (CT) scans. While the concept of “tortuosity” provides a straightforward means of assessing deviation, other techniques offer more detailed analyses by incorporating additional spatial dimensions, analyzing septal angles, and evaluating the impact of deviations on nasal cavity volume and airway resistance. These methods leverage the rich, three-dimensional data provided by CT imaging to offer a more comprehensive assessment of septal deviation.

Volume and Area Measurements

Some studies calculate the volume of airway obstruction or the area of the septum at its most deviated point. By using three-dimensional reconstruction of CT scans, researchers can assess how much of the nasal passage is obstructed, providing a more direct measure of the deviation’s impact on nasal airflow.

Angle of Deviation

Another common method involves measuring the angle of septal deviation relative to a midline axis of the nasal cavity. This method quantifies deviation in terms of degrees, which can be particularly useful for categorizing the severity of deviations and planning surgical interventions.

Nasal Septal Deviation Index (NSDI)

The NSDI is calculated based on the difference in volume between the two sides of the nasal cavity, as well as the angle and location of the septal deviation. This composite index aims to provide a more holistic view of septal deviation, considering both its physical dimensions and its functional impact on nasal airflow.

Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

Advanced techniques involve using CAD software to create detailed models of the nasal cavity and septum based on CT data. CFD can then simulate airflow through these models to understand how deviations affect nasal resistance and airflow patterns. This method is among the most comprehensive, allowing for precise simulations of the physiological impacts of septal deviations.

Segmentation and Morphometric Analysis

Morphometric analysis involves segmenting the nasal septum and surrounding structures from CT scans to calculate specific geometric properties, such as curvature, surface area, and displacement from the midline. This detailed analysis can reveal subtle anatomical variations and their potential impacts on nasal function.

Use of MATLAB and OsiriX for Quantification

Tools like MATLAB and OsiriX have been utilized for analyzing CT scan data to quantify septal deviation. These software tools enable detailed analysis of the septum’s geometry and deviations by automating the measurement of lengths, angles, and areas.

Each of these methods has its strengths and is suited to particular research or clinical objectives. The choice among them depends on the specific details needed (e.g., for surgical planning or understanding the functional impact of a deviation) and the resources available (software tools and expertise). As CT technology and analytical software continue to evolve, the precision and utility of these methods are likely to improve further, offering more accurate and clinically relevant insights into nasal septal deviations.