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Facelift - 2 Weeks Pre Op

In preparation of your upcoming surgery in 2 weeks, please review the following instructions carefully. 

Here is also a video link you can refer to: Pre-Op Instructions- Two Weeks Prior to Procedure.



  • Stop all blood thinner medications and herbal supplements.
    This includes all medications and over the counter supplements.
    Common blood thinners include: Advil, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Fish Oil, Ginseng, Glucosamine.
    Call the office if you have any questions about a medication you are taking. 



  • Make sure laboratory work and medical clearance is completed and submitted to the office.
    If you are over the age of 55, you need to be cleared by your Primary Care Physician. This is required to continue with surgery. 


  • Ideally, stop all tobacco use.
    Smoking can increase your chance of complications during surgery. This includes: higher risk of infection, high risk of blood supply issues, can compromise anesthesia, and can dramatically delay your healing process.


* Below is a list of materials you'll want to gather before the procedure:
-Hydrogen Peroxide 
-Bacitracin (antibiotic ointment) to keep on incisions at all times
-Gauze (4x4s) 
-Ice/frozen peas
-Exam gloves (for icing technique) 
-Baby Shampoo

We also suggest preparing the following to help with your recovery:
- Straws/Spoons
- Prepare soft foods
- Powerded greens/ Whey protein powder to promote healing


You will be hearing from one of our medical assistants soon to review further instructions on how to use these materials.

Facelift - 1 Week Pre Op

Now that we are one week away from your procedure, please begin following the instructions below:


  • Continue to avoid blood thinner medication and herbal supplements

  • Avoid alcohol consumption- alcohol is considered a blood thinner

  • Remove nail polish or acryilic nails from at least 1 finger.
    This is required by the surgery center so that they can monitor your oxygen during your procedure. 

  • If you are having a procedure to the eye area, prepare books on tape, podcasts, or playlists of music. 


You can also refer to this video link: Pre-Op Instructions: One Week Prior to Procedure


Make sure that you have gathered all of the materials listed below:
-Hydrogen Peroxide 
-Bacitracin (antibiotic ointment) to keep on incisions at all times
-Gauze (4x4s) 
-Ice/frozen peas 
-Exam gloves (for icing technique) 
-Baby Shampoo

Other suggestions:
-Prepare soft foods
- Powerded greens/ Whey protein powder to promote healing

Facelift - 1 Day Pre Op

As you prepare for your surgery tomorrow, we have listed a video link and a few reminders below. 


Pre-Op Instructions- One Day Before your Procedure
  • Do not eat or drink 8 hours prior to surgery including water; any food or water left in stomach can spread to the lungs, causing pneumonia. Taping a sign to the fridge as a reminder is helpful.

  • If you have not already picked up your prescriptions, please do so and bring them with you unopened to your procedure and  you will take them with a nurse present morning of.

  • Arrive to surgery with a clean face, no finger nail polish, no jewelry, and no colognes/perfumes.
    (For sterile purposes, male patients must shave beard hair the morning of surgery).

  • Confirm your designated caregiver is still available and plans to stay with you for the first 24 hours post procedure.  

Remember: you cannot drive or uber alone from your surgery, and you will not be released without a caretaker. If you do not have a caregiver your surgery will be canceled and you are subject to pay the day of cancellation fee of $3,000.

  • Get some rest and try to relax; it is normal to feel excited or nervous prior to surgery. . 

For the Day of Surgery: Pre-Op Instructions- The Morning of your Procedure
  • Remember to avoid food and water. No meals before the surgery!

  • For females, keep in mind you will need to provide a urine sample so if possible please try to void when you arrive. 

  • Wash your face with antibacterial soap if possible in the morning. 

  •  Arrive to surgery with a clean face, no makeup or lotion, no finger nail polish, no piercings around face/neck. (For sterile purposes, male patients must shave beard hair the morning of surgery).

  • Wear a button down or half-zip shirt. Easier to pull over the head. A robe will be provided but comfy pants, socks, and easy to slip on shoes are recommended.

Facelift - Night of Surgery

We hope you made it home safe and sound after your surgery.
As you get settled in, we have a few tips and a video listed below.


Post-Op Instructions- Home the day of your procedure
  • Take pain medications: As the anesthesia wears off, you may begin to feel a headache.

  • Take your antibiotic in the evening: The anestheologist gave you antibiotics by IV prior to surgery.

Continue to take your antibiotics AM and PM for the rest of this week. 



  • Don't forget about RICE!
    REST - more activity will increase your blood pressure and swelling
    ICE - apply ice 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off for the first 3 days. The more you apply, the less swelling you should have.
    This is more effective in the first 3 days. 
    COMPRESSION - your cast is applying compression to your nose. 
    ELEVATION - don't forget to sleep with your head elevated; use at least 2 pillows. 

  • Be sure limit your activity and do not turn your head using your neck. Turn from your waist. 

  • Take your pain medications as needed and the Valium as needed to help you relax. 

As a reminder, here are the instructions for cleaning your incisions after surgery using the materials you gathered prior to your surgery.

Instructions on cleaning incisions:
You will be sent home in a white head wrap that covers your incisions so at this time there is no need to clean them as they are covered up.

This wrap will feel very tight which is normal especially as time goes on and swelling increases.

Pease do not remove this wrap yourself!

Facelift - 1 Day Post Op

Today you are considered Day 1 after surgery.
Please refer to the video link or the instructions below for what to do today: Post-Op Instructions- First day after your procedure.


  • For today, continue to ice the area consistently, 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off. 
    This will be especially beneficial at night. 

  • It is now okay to:
    Lay down so that your head is above your heart (use at least 2 pillows)

  • You may not need prescription strength pain medications. It is OK to switch to Tylenol.

  • You can take the relaxation medications such as Valium as needed. This will help relax your muscles.

  • Clean the incisions with Hydrogen Peroxide and saline wound wash. Do not pick at dried blood.

  • Move your head by turning your body, not your neck. You will continue to do this for the next few weeks. 

  • You can shower if you are feeling well, but do not wash your hair yet. 

  • Continue to wear the provided compression garment as much as tolerated. 

Facelift - 2 Days Post Op

Today is Day 2 after surgery and this is when we typically see a maximal amount of swelling and discomfort.
If you are feeling more discomfort and swelling at this point in your recovery, it is normal. Continue your pain and relaxation medications to help with discomfort. 


  • It is important that you continue to ice. When most patients stop icing at this point, they will notice bruising later on. Remember to ice 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off. 

  • If incisions are accessible, begin to clean them. Using a 1:1 ratio of hydrogen peroxide and warm water dip clean Q-tip and apply to incisions. Take another clean Q-tip and dab sutures to dry any excess solution. Apply a thin layer Bacitracin Ointment.

Continue to follow the instructions in the e-mail sent yesterday. You can also refer to this video link for Post-Op Instructions- Second day after your procedure.

Facelift - 3 Days Post Op

You've made it to Day 3 post op and today you can resume caffeine!  

You may still experience a maximal amount of swelling, but it is still normal at this time. Today is your last day of icing to help avoid late bruising.


  • Continue taking your medications as needed. Remember if you are only in mild pain you can take Tylenol. 

  • Limit your activity so that we can keep your blood pressure low. 

  • Depending on your procedure we will usually see you in the office today to remove your white head wrap.

  • After wrap is removed you can continue cleaning incisions 2-3 times per day at home.


Today you can shower and wash your hair with baby shampoo. You can use conditioner but only on the ends of your hair. Do not get any conditioner near the incisions. 


Here's another video for your Post-Op Instructions- Third Day After Your Procedure from Dr. Shah. 

Facelift - 4-5 Days Post Op

Here are Post-Op Instructions- Fourth Day After Your Procedure and Post-Op Instructions- Fifth Day After Your Procedure.

Day 4:

At this point, you no longer have to ice. Continue to limit your activity and clean your incisions. 

Day 5:

Continue to clean your incisions and limit activity. 

Today, you can begin using heat therapy. Apply a warm compress to your face as needed for comfort. 

Facelift - 6 Days Post Op

Here is your Post-Op Instructions- Sixth Day After Your Procedure video for today. 


Tomorrow you will come in to remove the incisions. If you are sensitive to pain, you can take your pain medication, but make sure you have someone drive you to the appointment.

You can take the pain medication 30 minutes prior to your appointment time.

We can also apply numbing cream when you get to the office. Ask our staff if you would prefer to have the numbing cream applied. 

Facelift - 7 Days Post Op

We are excited to see you today!
Please plan accordingly and allow for traffic to ensure you arrive on time. 


When you come in we will remove all sutures except for the sutures behind the ears.
It is normal to experience mild pain and discomfort. 

You can resume alcohol at this point, however if you are still taking any medications hold off on consumption of alcohol. 

Turn your head gently, using your body to turn rather than your neck.
After today, you will need to wear the compression garment at night only. 


Here are more Post-Op Instructions- Seventh Day After Your Procedure. 

Facelift - 8 Days Post Op

​For today, continue to apply ointment to the front of the ears where sutures were removed and under your chin.
You will continue to apply ointment here for 2 more days. 

Apply ointment to the incisions behind your ears for 7 more days. These sutures will be removed when we see you again in 2-3 weeks. 

Avoid using hair dye until at least the 6 week post op mark or as instructed by Dr. Shah. Also avoid using a hair drying for another 3 weeks. 

Maintain minimal physical activity

Facelift - 14 Days Post Op

Hello! Hope your recovery is going well and you're starting to see positive changes to your face and neck. 

Here is your Post-Op Instructions- 2 Weeks After Your Procedure video from Dr. Shah.


  • Since it has been two weeks since your procedure, you can resume taking medications such as Advil, Aleve, Ibuprofen, and herbal supplements. 

  • Swelling will continue to decrease over the next few weeks.
    Swelling should decrease by 50% and tightness should improve 50% each week. 

  • Maintain a low sodium diet to minimize swelling. 

  • In another 2 weeks, you can begin light exercising.

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